티스토리 뷰

He said, "just because of hip Unlike other arts, this same behavior no rational reason to tolerate that particular" he said. Edith is the English abbreviation of 'Disrespect', which means it does not respect your opponent as a Hip-hop culture. Freedom of expression, rather than the Court's judgment that the moral rights of others are more important. Kim captured the information that insults the key Divi lyrics while the song lyrics of "investment real 'in 2017.

In fact, if disseminated because of nonsense would not talk to me as if it were not unfair to keep the fact I was so frustrated, "he said. He followed" Of course, there are those who confuse about the case because a long time has passed. This incident is not just a sexual insult insulting towards women. And even a song called 'Indigo Child (Indigo Child)' and 'Pho (po)' has not even added to the criminal case. Nevertheless, I think that the passage which is jyeotdaneun down a rigorous judgment of this Court shows that a sexual insult of black walnut severely stressed. "Before the black walnut is a hip-hop" for their actions in the trial process, disrespect

The Black Keys Divi harassment of Walnut convicted keys Divi - black walnut case I gukhip jineyo more jeongtteoleo ㅋㅋ key Divi lawyers "black walnut, that hip-hop culture and have committed separate sexual offenses," the judge called era of the management hunsu tell Lee Jae-yong hip-hop weeks set Suspended ... but sue to black walnut key Divi sexually humiliated ㅎㅎ Kiddy rain black walnut derogatory sexual complaint (key ipni due to re-upload the Xbox Divi

I think with respect to contempt of the black walnut has unveiled plans for the future. Along it said about the current state of the DB key. Kim, the lawyer, "I think I was the first communication sue media use obscene sin as a major crime in this area but that part is not recognized which was Distortion with contempt Unfortunately, as a result jyeotdago the strict rulings down against the victim sexually, which targeted crime." he said. ■ Q & less YTN Star with gimjiyun Lawyer: dismissed the appeal of black walnut in the Supreme Court, we keep the original simpangyeol guilty, thinking about the result of judgment is? They accuse the adulterous sin used as the main communication media on the first offense,: gimjiyun attorney (hereinafter Kim)

Can never say that a crime, "he said. Finally gimjiyun lawyer said the proceeds also lawsuits in progress for akpeulreo with civil litigation for the current Black Walnut." The charges against the akpeulreo so far 100 cases It was progress. Is a misrepresentation being made are actually punished for the little akpeulreo, "he said, followed by" The youngest among akpeulreo

The victim's moral rights and honor emotions "and" should also be valued and protected Nevertheless, Kim was caricature victims for their own commercial purposes in a sexual manner, "he judged, sentenced to probation for two years in prison for six months of community service 160 hours the it ordered. 2 depth "Kim is an insulting expression for the victim is neither a criticism rational reason, nor is it mentioned in the musical context" and "Just Cause is also just a sexual harassment to Gokcen no context" and keep the first trial verdict did. Baksewon reporters one@kmib.co.kr key Divi damn selves look haetne body ㅠㅠㅠ articles, different title and some intended, black walnut music

Argue that culture and the "no wrong" and the bar has been claimed. Gimjiyun lawyer "real and I think it is called hip-hop culture, such as the resistance spirit and candor. For being the singer of hip-hop music acts you want to spend a crime he committed in hip-hop culture was wrong. This is completely separate from the criminal and hip-hop culture the act of hip-hop culture, and crime is completely different, "he raised his voice. He added, "nor mere display. Would have committed a sex crime to insult a person sexually objectified. It does not stop at once, committed a crime toward the victim, despite ongoing continuing need to stop asking the victim. So

The Supreme Court official hip-hop music has been unintentionally. Black walnut is no longer to do with hip-hop. The Supreme Court did not recognize the artistry of the day confirmed the guilty to black walnut and black walnut songs by Edith key Divi 'Indigo Child' as "real '' 100 '. The Supreme Court said "the cause just as renting a type of hip-hop is not just a sexual harassment context, even" for the song above

Seems to be unloaded, "he said. 12 am The Supreme Court Part 2 (referee ancheolsang Justice) is in the final appellate of black walnut charged with insulting charges and sentenced to probation for two years in prison for six months, and centrifugation was ordered community service 160 hours was established. gimjiyun lawyers seem to be in a phone call with news ekseupocheu "victim due to the strict rulings issued by the Supreme Court (key DB) could take its first step toward recovery. 'M ongoing civil proceedings Litigation is subject to many influences in accordance with the decision of the criminal proceedings. The criminal case verdict came out strongly think that well, "he said. Gimjiyun lawyer was expected to vary over the time of the public ruling." The first crime

It upheld by the centrifugal sentenced to two years probation and six months. 160 hours of community service with instruction also. The Supreme Court is a victim as an expression of derogatory sexual "lyrics Taken together, the content, performance situation, the accused has elapsed, etc. should look at that specific targets of expression ratio kiddies" and "the lyrics themselves and make slow and the victim as the target of eliminating sexual desire insulting that judgment of the court below is just, "he ruled. Followed by hip-hop culture was explained that the display not tolerate the insult. The Supreme Court is "insulting representation of the victims are just as sexual harassment renting a type of hip-hop," said

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