티스토리 뷰

[Polkadot (DOT)] main net (~ 12/31) [DUSK] product release (~ 12/31) [Bancor (BNT)] ETHBNT air drops snapshot (2020/1/1 14:00) [Coalculus (COAL ) and a main air-drop net (2020/1/2) [GRIN] 3.0.0 update (~ 2020/1/3) [BEAM] half-life (2020/1/4) [DASH] IE update (2020/1 / 7) [Ethereum Classic (ETC)] Agata upgrade (2020/1/15) [NXT] V1.12.0e release (~ 2020/1/31) [EOS]


Beta releases (2020/2/14) [Polkadot] four main market (~ 2020/2/28) [Telegram Open Network (TON)] released (2020/4/30) [Bitcoin (BTC)] Client 0.20.0 released (2020/5/3) [NEO] NEO 3.0 main net (~ 2020/6/30) [TRON] Justin Warren Buffett lunch line (pre 2020) Coin nose cryptocurrency aims to raise the leveling of Cryptosporidium Market information hybrid offering to share the news and deliver
