티스토리 뷰

與, elections recruit three arcs 'Justice Yang Sung-tae nongdan revelations' Soo - Jin Judge Democrats recruited talent is No. 3, Soo - Jin judge! "Justice Yang Sung-tae nongdan revelations' Soo - Jin Soo - Jin judge suggested the judge accepted the Democratic talent recruitment, talent recruitment Democrats accepted the Democratic Party suggests, talent three arcs uncovered` `judicial nongdan Soo - Jin Soo - Jin judge district judge to review I'm batgetda judgment. In addition to the Soo - Jin (50), the Suwon District Court Chief Judge Democrats who exposed the allegations related to "Yang Sung-tae judiciary, judicial nongdan '

This has a lot to suggest asking the spirit. Was very much worried, "said" The law should be the end spoil Whether ipdang will be able to walk on the process, "he said. He is part of offering "yiraseo incumbent judges not tell. The situation ahead of the final decision, "he added. In addition to the Soo - Jin (50), the Suwon District Court chief judge up to the next general election recruit talent mulmang Democrat signaled he will accept the fact recruit talent deal turned out to be "entrance rearranging the state" 31. The judge who reveal the 'Yang Sung-tae judiciary, judicial nongdan' allegations related to the

Yang Sung-tae. You're that one who ruled Jee Man-won. Democratic 3rd recruit talent, with Soo - Jin (50), the Suwon District Court chief judge up to the next election of the Democratic Party is recruiting talent mulmang signaled he will accept the fact recruit talent deal turned out to be "entrance rearranging the state" 31. If the judge had uncovered allegations related to "Yang Sung-tae judiciary, judicial nongdan 'is expected to join the prosecution reform drive that Democrats will be putting more resilient. The judge thus saying in a phone call with the day's Daily World, "a complete judicial reform in the Democratic

It is considering a plan to announce next year's general election three talent recruitment arcs. Democratic officials core 31 in conversation with Yonhap News, "Justice nongdan situation at the time of considering the signing of the judges who stand the most demanding reforms as the lead female judge of" said "the possibility is very high," he said. Also other stakeholders, "I know that women judges, including the recruitment talent roster," he said. Soo - Jin presiding judge [Justice Policy Institute provides] I keep coming contains wonderful people.

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