티스토리 뷰

Prevention and reception facilities present themselves thoroughly brainwashed Force training methods and how to control epidemics occur along with Butch secret if you want to not only allowed when visiting relatives and even use the toilet by the detainees and contains instructions regarding such. The operating instructions appear to be written in 2017 is used to modify behavior based on reward and punishment to impose the prisoners 'point system'

Yigigin even though this was gaebaksal to Colombia. Good personal skills to Colombia using a wide attacking side, we have finished the game barely deserves a pattern defensive counterattacks by two lines of defense to not move forward. So Bento is against Australia 433 side trying to attack at this time and then test the tactic of 352. 352 tactics like Colombia is a side halttaeneun side against a strong team, a team or a counter-attack a lot of forward pressure 302 people participated in the defense wingback is a 500 base defense effective (U20 like before Japan).

Diagnosis of the crabs had an adverse impact on Lee Chief gangbyeongsik and hitting coach. Lee Chief "is a minute that well-catch problems. Coach is often appropriate when presented as" Now this state am Let this practice ". The minutes also to a lot of ability, and research communication. Gives for individual customized training method since childhood rookie river coach explained that I did not touch even once about my own batting form of ". River coach gave us the courage to say to Lee Chief it's only the power to hit better. But vulnerable to higher courses, you can hit "well

It has been instructed to verify. The threat of 'terrorism' and 'extremism' are mentioned as reasons to detain people across China's cable throughout the document. But leaked documents anywhere is not gotta regulation is 'terrorism' and 'extremism' what it is. Meanwhile, news reports have pointed to the glaring openly came the Uighurs, religious association with intellectuals and overseas detention policies in Xinjiang. But those who do not like the same category also went to a lot of drag. Experts have custody of Xinjiang

Molryeoseo reduces much reduce the size of a half-space. Originally Ki is rabol Piana tactic goes through the central defense (wiwi see illustration) to gave Have a good quick long pass to forward a wing in the rearmost quick long pass from the far rear without Ki simultaneously defeating the forward pressure of the opponents a wing player or mail will not give the ball to chop. (Three kinds of main, Jung Woo-young, was not it was a've Hwang In-beom. It is not a pressure, or a narrower field of view, or slow or long passes) Quick-side switch turning the ball back again, especially in the above situation,

Given the political system it is very rare for the court documents of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to be published. Uighurs are the majority Muslim Uighur crackdown uses the Turkic-based Uighur. Uighurs who accepted Islam after contact with Muslim traders have lived more than two thousand years from the arid Central Asian Uighur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang today. Uighurs are 92% of the 1.4 billion population is marginalized for a long time for economic reasons that a minority of about 11 million people in the Han Chinese has been the political discrimination. Many Uighurs are living in Northwest China Xinjiang region yirwojin by mountains and desert. Kazakhstan in Tajikistan which,

It reveals natnatyi. Also it revealed that detainees at the operating instructions should be confined to the receiving facility for at least one year. Of course, were detained in the past freed the camp released earlier than according to their testimony is that even prisoners. Classified as confidential reporting documents show the scope and ambition of the monitoring platform of the Chinese government using artificial intelligence. The purpose of this platform is to have only a computer-generated analysis to predict crime. The experts who are using both military and police

Opponents are difficult to predict. The careful if ppuryeojun Instead, Kim Young-Gwon a long pass, if necessary, three kinds of pressure two weeks to even irregular holding shares three kinds of players to occasionally participate in the 400, if you're hiding standing too castration is doing to move forward the remaining midfielders and strikers wingback is lodged in front it so. (May be modified as 400 yideogunyo This tactic it was never used by the original Italian) In this case, if the Bento really want good attacking patterns seem to be able to know Italy you see the Euro 2016 Tactical Analysis image below. Italy holding midfielder and center-back of the beam passing nuchi

have. According to (Source: SVT) the 'telegram' leaked camp also has a strange area to teach the 'manners'. Here prisoners are taught etiquette, obedience, behavior between friends form, such as regular dressing change clothes. Uighur culture guru Darren bailreo Washington University anthropologist Dr. for teaching, including how to Bath for normal adults in the camp, friends dating method

Document format is a mix of embroidered Chinese officials appearing on the standard wording and George Orwell novel "1984," "Double Speak '(Doublespeak, language, deliberately created in order to disguise or distort the actual meaning for political purposes). Placing the rest strict time management and increasing visitation to dry conditions and love the people in the audience called as' students' conditions listed above to go to the toilet referred to as' complete requirements. This guide has been operating personnel must inmates 'prevent escape' would require the guard post, patrols, video surveillance, alarm types, such as the use of security measures likely become prisons everywhere. Guidelines "Students go to classes during one meal or visiting family bathroom receive the, doctor of toiletries

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