티스토리 뷰

No, "he said it suspended the proclamation Emergency Committee WHO to my advisory bodies, and to the Secretary-General is the final authority to decide whether an international emergency rule. New corona virus has rapidly spread to other countries, while WHO is reluctant Vietnam and India in Asia, as well as across the Pacific was confirmed self-generated in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Finland, etc. are infected in Europe was reported after another. sleep wake turns the front seat of the world's confirmed party figures it is much out words. Meanwhile the death toll also increase was counted as only up to 170 people in China, especially in January, China's Yeti chunje (春節)'re cuddling outside the home and many people

AFP said he could not hear, but after contact the local police and health authorities, about the cause of death in the elderly. Yet there was said by the police, staff of the reaction wrapped the body or clothing to people at the scene to feel the fear that the current spread of Wuhan. A woman watching the scene, while the elderly are estimated'd died of swine Corona "It is terrible. Recently, many people have died," he said. Another forensic expert examines the seniors protective clothing

The hypothesis is based on the propagation level, WHO and China also does not provide a scientific basis. Mistaken and gave as described above, the propagation of asymptomatic infection by vague criteria, latency propagation is possible phenomena in other infectious diseases, it does not rely on a statement of thorough epidemiological investigation and patients can be adequately controlled, if you want to enforce the inspection of the equipment . 7. Can we do now? Frequent handwashing and wearing masks, where many people are avoiding it altogether. No two or more methods,

Steps to declare an international emergency on "Wuhan (武漢) pneumonia" has not yet been announced. Yet he said that went said to the opinions of the committee members intersect substantially boiling in the 50 50 WHO has recognized the serious situation in Wuhan pneumonia. WHO 23 (Reuters) opened the second day after the Emergency Committee discussed the new coronavirus is the cause of pneumonia in Wuhan fell to the same conclusion. Didier upper rear WHO Emergency Advisory Committee, announced that "a little early hagieneun considered a public health emergency of international concern" at the press briefing held after the Committee. Upper rear chairman of "Committee (Wuhan pneumonia) cause of human liver disease and infection much research,

It reported that occur Wuhan suspected pneumonia infections. These patients that are being treated as the current quarantine SCMP reported. 9 days Incheon International Airport and the airport's departure from China, one from the Centers for Disease Control Terminal Arrival National Quarantine staff with the thermal imager measures the body temperature of passengers arriving at Incheon International Airport. According to the Centers for Disease Control in connection with unexplained pneumonia caused by population in China showed related symptoms in the country

If you have a difficulty to predict the level as part of a concern due to the increase in the number of patients Toka these things it is still very fast spreading birthday. [Anchor] so Gun's talk about the deceased does not have much contrast confirmed that patients who feel this high mortality rate? [Baeksunyoung] Right. Having said together could actually have asymptomatic infections, and yet still entirely self-diagnosis to

It was a difficult situation. Plant officials said, "The recent Chinese bundle comes ssadeulgo cash prize will often nangamhal while several, requires a quantity that can not afford, but." Out of the chair and confirmed the death toll increasing rapidly in many cities in China, including new coronavirus origins of Wuhan, the mask is bitgo the shortage. In particular, while the Chinese prefer the Korean mask good quality, because it's going to sweep the mask produced in the country. So I bought a mask is a situation that is getting a premium resale through your distributor or SNS in China. Chinese Yang to sell in Korea Mask Online (楊) said, on July 30, "holding cash 1 billion won

It reported. The woman said her husband was a show symptoms such as fever and vomiting blood, but toured the hospital for a new corona virus scan all in vain. Who he said he never called an ambulance but refused to dispatch. Shah Location "I'm desperate, I lost a lot of time and days. I do not know if I live until we both (syaohsi and husband) to greet the New Year," he said. He China

Angry Seafood Market in Wuhan was known as the epicenter. However, the Chinese women have never been to this place over the past 15 days, it has been infected with the virus husband. Since patients who received the diagnosis determined from Japan, Thailand, Korea, today was also found to have never visited a fish market in question. Accordingly, we have also said health officials do not rule out the possibility of propagation between people. [Jeongeungyeong / Disease Management General Manager: "We think there is potential for transmission between family members and people. But that's' cause some degree of contagion size of this thing is a little needed to see the situation

Is the first death, the doctor of doctors who treat the pneumonia, but Wuhan China Sanitary Health Committee ryangssi The doctor is because you have already found your retirement it is right for positions classified as public. Chinese newspaper network is to convey that ryangssi retired last year, it reported receiving treatment came to Wuhan pneumonia symptoms from the last 16 days. According to reports, he had a history of such arrhythmias. (Hongsung AP) reporter yangyoungseok = new corona virus outbreak called "Wuhan pneumonia '

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