티스토리 뷰

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Except it had decided to announce the signing of eight talented roster. Just the night before hangukdang lined that not a recruit is canceled for the colon. Sulfur representative is interpreted as due to deulyeotgi the ball enough to be mentioned as a spiral figures for direct recruitment. Night and the Secretary-General "great nights ago Captain minutes yet there I also points to the conclusions that have not yet cleared

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Gotta stood accused of such a court. Received acquitted for the charges of bribery and sentenced to a fine on appeal received four million won for violation of laws solicitation charges are currently waiting for the Supreme Court. If yijinsuk former MBC news director Lee Jae - Chul government days ago MBC president in hwiha

If you do not strictly punish the prosecution of the action by being a serious crime will not stop the entire investigation and termination must be reviewed. Millions of candles hurt citizens and martial law, dying tongue trampling on gunhwatbal Imagine a bloody situation. It is just a mere imagination, but yeocha

Reaper is "emerging as a statement that it is expected to result in a re-controversial. Heh heh heh." When 65-year-old pension will receive the wrong mountain life. " '0 minutes' spread mangeon 63 676 registration modified 2013-09-29 15:43 2013-10-01 23:57 original see: http://m.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/604971.html#cb#csidxb55466d1d30a18b9a02c484166f86d2 Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao greetings gigacha I recruit enjoy every party there is no one normal person ... old adults in Japan and is not to support hasyeotdapnida Press scissors rock elections

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